
About Us

Join us in building a world movement for the climate!

It is the single most important issue right now and it affects everything else.

The world needs a strong movement that can support and pressure governments around the world to commit and to act for a rapid decline of the greenhouse gas emissions, which are so harmful to us  and to the planet we depend on.
To have the impact that is required, we must be many. It is important that also you

We strive towards a sustainable lifestyle and culture, but for that we need also joint efforts so that governments and business make it possible for us to live a sustainable life. We stimulate and support required climate laws, policies and practice that live up to the Paris Agreement.

it is about us is an online organization. That way we can reach out and connect to more people. We are all volunteers, so our “only“ resources are our experience, time and commitment. We are convinced that by informing, creating awareness, identifying critical issues and taking joint action, we can bring about the change required, so that we, our children and grandchildren can live a good life, now and in the future.

The vision of it is about us, is a sustainable, inclusive and just world, leaving no one behind; a world in which humanity lives in harmony with nature.
it is about us will become a worldwide movement for sustainable development.

Our mission is to address critical environmental, social and economic issues. We will do that by providing information, creating awareness and inspiring people and society in general to take action required for people and planet to be on a sustainable track by 2030.

The overarching frameworks of it is about us are:
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, COP21 to stay well below 2°c temperature  increase in relation to pre-industrial levels

The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs;  the global goals, to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee that all people live in peace and prosperity by 2030.

Download the STATUTES for: it is about us

Our Story

Our story goes back to 2014, when 5 women inspired by the Columbia University’s online course the “The Age of Sustainable Development”, decided to write a booklet on sustainable development. We were amazed by our new insights and we felt that all people have the right to know what is happening with our planet and where we are heading to. In the booklet, we explain complex issues in a simple language, so it is accessible to everybody. The aim of the booklet is to inform, create awareness and stimulate to action for a sustainable future involving all people. By the end of 2015, the booklet Take action, enter a new era was launched in three versions and translated into 3 languages.

Our next step was to develop it is about us a movement of people around the world, who come together at local, national and global levels, to take the actions required to halt global warming and climate change and to stop the destruction of the environment and the ecosystems we depend on.

The Founding Members of it is about us, are 4 of the 5 women who wrote the booklet. We are from 4 different countries, and represent different ages, cultures and backgrounds, and we have not met in person! We are ourselves a proof, of what you can achieve, online!


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