What does it take?

What does it take; To adopt a sustainable lifestyle,
To become a role model?

The aim is to stay within the limits of the Planetary Boundaries; the limits of what our one and only planet can provide. Under Climate Change, we saw that we have waited too long to act so now it is urgent, climate change is becoming more real and nature is in a bad shape. We need a world movement, and role models that scrap our culture of mass consumption and introduce a culture that is in balance with nature. This has already started, but we have to take it to the next level.

What can I do?

  1. Gradually adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
  2. Influence colleagues in your workplace and society around you; develop a sustainable way of thinking and acting; be a role model.
  3. Influence production and services; use “the power of the consumer”.
  4. Support and request governments at all levels so that they develop and implement  sustainable policies and standards that respect and protect the planetary boundaries.


1. Adopt a sustainable lifestyle

In most countries there are people introducing important initiatives; recycling, biking, becoming vegetarian, refusing to fly etc. Despite that many of us live as if we have 4 planets or more. Now we have to take it further, seeing that those initiatives become part of a bigger context; gradually developing a culture of sustainability.

a) Identify key issues to focus on.
If you have not already done so, it might be helpful to take one of numerous Footprint tests. They can give you an idea of your impact and what changes are valid for you.  DON’T CHOSE TO OFFSET! We have to learn how to reduce emissions! We have to make the changes for real; no more bright ideas and excuses.
In the booklet Take action, enter a new era. under What can I do in my everyday life? there is also a list of suggestions.

To eat less red meat is a traditional issue with extensive environmental impact. To reduce flying is a must. Avoid first class and business. See ICAO, Carbon Emissions Calculator to estimate the emissions attributed to your air travel. Biogas as fuel for airplanes is not the solution. We need land to grow healthy organic food and water is scarce! Fast trains and improved boat transportation are better alternatives.

For more on energy efficiency, press here.

b) Set long and short term targets, follow up and revise your targets.
Don’t be overambitious. If this is new to you, start with what makes sense and is not too hard, enjoy doing it and share your experience with friends, so more people get going. It is a change in mindset that will come gradually, once you get started. The most important thing is to keep it up, inspire others and get inspired.

c) You might do it on your own or together with friends in a group.
‘it is about us’ shares information, makes suggestions and gives guidance and you can exchange experience in our Sustainable Lifestyle Facebook group or with a blog in our website.

2. Influence colleagues in your workplace and society around you; develop a sustainable way of thinking and acting; be a role model

You can do this just by questioning normal routines and making different choices; for example taking the train instead of flying also for business trips when possible, keeping your old mobile phone for several years, etc.
To make this movement grow we need role models with a lifestyle that inspires others to follow, we need to get balls rolling, in all countries!

There are interesting examples of people who have sustainability embedded in their mindset and in everything they do, such as the Norwegian artist Tone Bjordam , and marketing designer Gabriel Johansen at InfoDesignLab. “We founded InfoDesignLab with the idea that our work and our values should be in synch. We never stop feeling overwhelmed by the extraordinary beauty of the planet.”

3. Influence sustainable production and services; the power of the consumer, the interests of business. 

As conscious consumers, we promote and buy sustainable products; products that do not harm nature and people. Supply will adjust to demand.

a) Request and buy locally produced, certified food products; ask where the product is coming from, ensure fish is sustainably fished, vegetables and fruit are organic; not fumigated with pesticides and that seeds are not genetically modified (GMO).
This is not only good for your health and the health of your family but it is also important for those farmers, who care for nature and practice organic farming. By convincing others to also buy certified and organic products, we steer the shops to sell more organic products.

b) Start or join a group; ‘it is about us’ gives suggestions on how to start up a group. We can also help you to connect with other groups to act together, for example to discontinue plastics, to reject products with palm oil or how to become an influencer. Express your concern and mobilize with others with the same concern. Share your experience and send blogs to ‘it is about us’.

4. Support and request governments at all levels so that they develop and implement  sustainable policies and standards that respect and protect the planetary boundaries.

Let’s call to the attention of our governments; local or national, when there is a need for policies related to the protection of the environment, or when existing policies are not working well.

When joining ‘it is about us’, please note down the issues that interest you the most. Let’s together find a better way of living, for us and for future generations!

‘it is about us’ is a member based organization.

You are welcome to become a member of ‘it is about us’!