World Economic Forum (WEF)

World Economic Forum (WEF)

21-24 January, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF), in Davos, a Swiss ski resort, held its 50th annual meeting. Davos is a meeting of world leaders and chief execs of big business, who gather each year on issues facing business and the global economy. “How to save the planet” was one of the themes this year. Greta Thunberg was the key speaker for a session on Averting a climate apocalypse.

The Global Climate March

The Global Climate March

On 6 of December there was The Global Climate March taking place in most major cities around the world. In Madrid, 500.000 people had gathered from many continents and countries to demand urgent action to halt climate change. Greta Thunberg held another powerful speech, reflecting on the COP 25 negotiations that were to take place in Madrid during the following 2 weeks.

Cumbre Social por el Clima 2019

Cumbre Social por el Clima

On 6 to 13 December, parallel to the official COP25, civil society organizations in Madrid organized the Social Climate Summit, SCS, (Cumbre Social por el Clima), together with their Chilean counterpart; Sociedad Civil de Acción Climática, SCAC. In 3 weeks the summit as such, and a huge, ambitious program with 350 presentations and activities were developed.
The Social Summit had a broad; 300 organizations, networks, groups and social movements from most continents, gathered at the SCS.

COP25 Chile – Madrid 2019

COP25 Madrid

From 2 to 13 December, COP25; the 25th Conference of the Parties, to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was held in Madrid, Spain, under the presidency of the Chilean government. The venue was moved from Santiago de Chile to Madrid just 4 weeks before the Conference. The organizers did a remarkable work, and the presence of COP25 was felt all over Madrid.

The conference as such, was in general a disappointment, with very little progress as far as advancing the negotiations of the Paris and Kyoto Agreements, and this at a time when we are in a climate emergency and need urgent action.

The newspaper Business Insider bluntly put the conference in the numbers:
$100 million, 27,000 attendees, 1 prominent Swedish teenager, and 0 tangible outcomes.